          人權組織呼籲緬甸軍政府停止對人民的暴行 Since 27 July 10,000 villagers forcibly relocated in Shan State. Rights groups to regime: Stop atrocities Thursday, 13 August 2009 17:30 Hseng Khio Fah Again, overseas Shan rights groups are on calling the Burmese 租房子military immediately stop its atrocities and also on the international and regional communities to end their silence and set up an investation team on the regime’s crimes against humanity. Since 27 J 關鍵字行銷uly, Burma Army units under the command of the Mongnawng based Military Operations Command (MOC) #2, Shan State South, have burned down over 500 houses, more than 200 granaries, and forcibly relocated an estimated 10,0 租辦公室00 villagers from almost 40 villages in Mongkeung, Laikha and Kehsi townships, according to the rights groups. “We are therefore demanding the regime immediately stop their atrocities against people the and allow all relocated v 裝潢illagers to return to their homes,”  said Nang Charm Tong from Shan Women Action’s Network (SWAN) at a press conference held today on the Thai-Burma border. “On the other hand, we would like to call on the international communities such a 關鍵字廣告s the United Nations Security Council, ASEAN and Burma’s neighbors to pressure Burma to stop its oppression on the people. They should not let Burma continue abusing the people,” she added. According to her, the current forced relocation campaign is the large 代償st forced relocation since 1996-1998, when over 300,000 villagers were uprooted in southern and central Shan State, most of whom have since fled to Thailand. “This is another attempt to uproot the ethnic people,” she said. During the 1996-98 campaign against the SSA, almost 好房網 1,500 villages were destroyed and more than 300,000 in southern and eastern Shan State were forcibly relocated, a third of which had escaped into Thailand.“The troops were ordered by their headquarters to burn down the houses, as they repeatedly radioed to their headquarters as the buildi 有巢氏房屋ngs went up in flames,” said Shan Human Rights Foundation’s Director Kham Harn Fah. "This campaign has been carried out cold-bloodedly and systematically,” he added. The Burma Army earlier retaliated the Pa-O National Liberation Organization (PNLO) that had wiped out a 12-men patrol on 3 May by kill 室內設計ing two village headmen, torturing more than 80 villagers and gangraped a 15-year old girl in Hsihseng, another southern Shan State township, according to several exile news groups. 房地產id=285  .

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